After reading American Psycho, a horror story narrated by a privileged young businessman whose on a killing rampage, one must consider what will become of the horror genre.
American Psycho is not a traditional story, straying from the supernatural and sci-fi it explores the horrors of the mundane world. The villain of the story who is also the main character Patrick Bateman is what would traditionally be considered a hero-type character; young, white, rich, and social and it is because of his position of money and power, he never has to face the consequence of his actions. I believe this is what is becoming of the horror genre, it is breaking down the paradigms of what makes a horror story, that it does not have to be supernatural or sci-fi nor does the antagonist need to be a monster or typical hunch-backed, mustache-twiddling villain but it could be anyone, that any person is capable of committing horrible acts.
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